You will have heard that these instruments are made by a Mad Dwarf in a fabled shop underneath the bewitched mountain, that the wood comes from enchanted forests, and the metal is forged by Otherworldly Beings using charmed tools. The stories may have reached you that there are long-forgotten and forbidden rites attending to the stringing and tuning of the harps, and that they abide in veiled secrecy until the celestial orbs pass through favorable houses. And then and only then does the Mad Dwarf play a tune on each so etheric that it causes the cosmos to pause in harmony!
Ha! Well, let us first disclose that this is not true. It’s pure fantasy. You see, we’ve heard him play and he’s really not all that good.
Nonetheless, enter here and judge for yourself whether the rest be so or not!

Harps come off business end of the bench at their own pace! Be sure to inquire directly with:
All currently available harps are listed on the Available Harps page. Feel free to inquire with James directly about what may be coming off the bench soon. And check out all the photos in the Gallery, and Thoughts in the journal. Like us on Facebook!
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