This very harp is now available!

Tales of the Mad Harper
The legend has been researched by that celebrated cartoonist, Ray Barnes, and here is his first installment of — The Tales of the (gasp!) Mad Harper.

Another one available.

out of cold winter’s mist
From out of the cold winter’s mist, this is the first of a run of newly strung harps of cherry wood:

Ancient Celtic Demo
Demo of the Ancient Celtic wire strung harp: 28 brass strings from 2nd G below middle C. Made of cherry wood from Steve Leonard. Chaffing nails and string noises by the itinerant dwarf that wanders by to play every now…

Just Off the Bench
The Ancient Celtic, the largest of Folc Harp’s wire strung harps. Cherry wood, 28 red and yellow brass strings from 2nd G below middle C to high F. See available harps page for complete specs.

Haunted Tools
October is waning towards Samhain and so why should I be surprised that the table saw is possessed by demons. Oh, the damn things are diabolical enough on the best of days, disagreeable and dangerous. If I were any kind…

String Shoe Jigs
One might imagine that the craftsman’s time is spent using rare and fine tools to make the finished work. But no. Most of the time is spent making the tools. And jigs. And a lot of time still in making…

A demo of the latest harp
So ‘latest’ in fact that the stings have not been on it for 24 hours yet. I’ve been reading the Outlander series and find that the Skye Boat Song is used as the theme for the TV production. “Och, nae…

Equinox Harp
A harp finished on equinox day. The Ancient Enigma Cherry wood, 25 brass strings.